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Georgina Colman

EPOCH - Wrapped Principle Photography

As I write this, it all feels quite surreal. We cancelled our final shoot day due to COVID19. The safety of all crew and collaborators must come first, I started this project because I wanted to make sure that I was on a project that put the wellbeing first and I wasn't going to stop doing that just because we hadn't got everything we needed.

Once my deadlines are out of the way I'll come back to this and do an extended piece.

All I can say for now is how grateful I am for the crew, the contributors and every kind soul who has helped us along the way. Couldn't have done it without them.

This project means everything to me, I got the best lesson in politics I could have ever asked for, learnt how to direct a film and how to cope when the going gets tough and boy, has it got tough.

The challenges we faced I feel like I could list for days but alongside that there has been some truely remarkable moments, and yeah maybe I'm just being sappy now we're coming to the end but I honestly am so grateful for this experience and everyone who has helped make it what it is.

I'm so grateful for the ongoing support of my family and friends who often have to deal with me being emotional because as I have said above, the project means a lot to me and that means I put everything in.

This often means I'm exhausted a lot of the time and maybe not so fun to be around, this is a balance that I am still working on and have learnt so much more about how to manage that during this journey. You can't pour from an empty cup after all.

Like I said, once deadlines are over I will come back and expand/edit whatever this sappy mess of a post is but for the time being. Here you go.

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